Monday, February 23, 2015

School News 2-23-15


Tuesday: Basketball After School

Wednesday: 6:00 Enchilada Set up Potatoes and Peas / Meat Prep

Thursday: MASS 8:30/ NO Basketball / Enchilada Making Meat Cooking

Friday: Stations of the Cross 8:30 /Library/ Spanish in Afternoon / Bring Instruments upper grades / Enchilada Making


We made it! At last count there were about 1180 dozen orders turned in and processed. Great job of making that last minute push everyone.

Now comes the work. As a reminder, wear ( or bring ) old clothes including shoes. This is messy work for the most part. We will start Wednesday night prepping the kitchen and getting the potatoes to size and the peas ready. Thursday starts the ground beef cooking and cooling and if time permits we will start rolling enchiladas. Friday all day is a rolling and packaging day. Saturday is pick up and clean up in the morning.


We have a few Lenten projects for the students and families for the 40 days of Lent. This is the season for alms giving, prayer, and fasting. As always we sent home the Rice Bowls for Catholic Relief Services in support of poor nations across the world. Some families combine fasting and almsgiving by not going out to eat one day a week and putting the savings in the Rice Bowl.

The school will also be teaming up with the Knights of Columbus project of 40 cans for 40 days for Interfaith Good Samaritan. You will see a shopping cart in the entry to the school where you can drop off canned goods, other non-perishable items and personal care products. A complete list of items will be attached to the shopping cart and will be sent home to put on your refrigerator as a reminder to give.

We are encouraging more reading and family time during Lent. As an incentive for more reading, we will be sending home Reading Logs during Lent. We will attempt to “travel” to Australia via the other 4 continents during Lent. Details will be going home from your teacher about the contest to read your way from Laramie to Sydney. We will move our airplanes down the hall a meter (1 meter = 1000 miles ) towards Australia for every 20 minutes we read.

Finally, there will be Stations of the Cross for grades 3-6 on Fridays at 8:30 during Lent. That will start this Friday at the church.


Dr. Suess’s birthday is March 2, which is also Read Across America Day. Some the classes are planning special reading events. 1st and 2nd graders have invited guests from the community to come in and read to and with the students. Don’t forget to spend some time reading with your kids every night.


Thanks to the St. Laurence School Singers at Mass yesterday. Thanks to Winter, MaKayla, Donavin, Audra, MacKinzie, Brandalynn, Rita, John Paul, Melody, and Harmony (altar server).


There is a last minute change to the date of our Spring Fiesta. Our Auctioneer Zane Burns cannot make it on May 2. Since he is a big part of the success of previous Fiestas, we are changing the date by one week to Saturday May 9.


February 25-28

Enchilada Makin’ and Distribution

February 28

End of the trimester

March 4

2nd Trimester grade reports will be sent home

March 16-20

Spring/Winter Break No School

March 23-April 3

PAWS Testing grades 3-6

May 9th Fiesta! (Please note the change in the date.)

Grade 1-2 News 2-23-15

clip_image002Let all around us be peace…

Grade One/Two February 23-27, 2015

Life is eventful lately, isn’t it? Second grade families shared a beautiful penance service on Saturday as our children celebrated the sacrament of reconciliation for the first time. Last week, our Roberto was baptized and Kaden was received into the Catholic Church! We have much to be thankful for. On the flip side of big events, my Dad, who was suffering from a stomach virus last week, was taken to the hospital in Cheyenne Saturday night. So my hope, weather and favorable roads permitting, is to spend most of Monday and Tuesday in the ICU unit in the Cheyenne hospital. Mrs. Mary O’Flannigan, our daily math co-teacher, will be my sub. Prayers for my 88 year old dad, please. Thanks.

In reading we will read about children who are hearing impaired. A skill is drawing conclusions based on text, and sounds are ask and ear.

In math we are learning about money, this week mixing coins. We use pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. Please keep playing money games with your child at home, counting purse or pocket change nightly. We are also talking about place value, firsts learning tens and ones, while seconds will move into thousands.

Our book project continues in social studies as each child becomes an “expert” on a place of his/her choice. Writing a book is much work!

In religion we will recap our experience with First Reconciliation and thank the many who helped make that celebration so wonderful! We will quickly move into studying for First Communion and we begin by talking about the Mass.

Hence, our pilgrimage next week (weather permitting) to St. Mary’s Cathedral and Mt. Sinai Synagogue. A pilgrimage is a visit to a holy place, and walking is often part of it. We will walk the eight blocks from St. Mary’s to the Synagogue. Hopefully you have been able to consider driving for this trip; I sent the first notification earlier this month so that arrangements could be made if you can possibly go. Thanks. Permission slips come home this week.

Spelling words

ask mask task ear hear dear tear

near *Second grade additionals: asked clear


Monday: spelling sort, neatly please

Tuesday: math money

Wednesday: please talk more with your family about Lent and ways we can help others in need, especially ways to help members of our own families!

Thursday: spelling

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Grade 5-6 News 2-18-15

This Week in Class:

* Please be on the lookout for our missing history textbook: Harcourt Brace- Social Studies-The World (it is purple and tan)

Spelling: Unit 15 Spelling—the prefix “in”

The prefix “in” is spelled “im” before a base word or a word root beginning with “m” or “p”.

History: Chapter 16: Lesson 2— Democratic Ideas in Latin America

We will be working on vocabulary and review questions from this lesson this week. We will take our Chapter 16 Test next week on Thursday.

Miss James’s Math Group:

We will continue with our division chapter over the next few weeks. Please remember to have your child practice both multiplication and division facts.

We will begin a school wide reading incentive! Your child can use these minutes for Book It as well. Reading logs for the month of February went home last week.


Today we are beginning Lent—please remember not to pack meat in your child’s lunch on Fridays during Lent!

Class Supplies Needed!!!

We could still use a few more of those listed below. Thanks in advance for any extra supplies you can send our way!

Current Inventory of Supplies:

· Paper towels (4 spares)

· Clorox Disinfecting Wipes (1 spare)

· Computer paper ( 1 ream)

This Week’s Spelling List

Test 02/19/15 Retest 02/20/15

Unit 15 Vocabulary

1. impolite

2. informal

3. include

4. involve

5. individual

6. improper

7. inquire

8. innocent

9. immediate

10. immigrant

11. immovable

12. indirect

13. infection

14. indent

15. import

16. incomplete

17. instrument

18. inclined

19. immense

20. inactive

21. insist

22. impress

23. improve

24. insult

35. increase

26. imply

27. infer

28. impartial

29. inflexible

30. inadequate

*26-30 are extra credit words

Next Week’s Spelling List

Test 02/26/15 Retest 02/27/15

Unit 16 Vocabulary

1. balance

2. item

3. secure

4. require

5. minus

6. release

7. unite

8. panic

9. stupid

10. vital

11. recent

12. rebel

13. beware

14. relief

15. pirate

16. deserve

17. adopt

18. poison

19. spirit

20. alert

21. credit

22. value

23. remind

24. protect

25. report

26. delete

27. decade

28. flourish

29. vigor

30. crevice

*26-30 are extra credit words

Reading Group Updates:

The Giver: beginning novel at the end of the week—still finishing up projects from Frozen Summer

Dragon of the Lost Sea: beginning novel and answering chapter questions

Dragon Rider: reading novel

Monday, February 16, 2015

School News 2-16-15


Tuesday: Basketball After School / Shrove Tuesday

Wednesday: Ash Wednesday Mass 8:30

Thursday: MASS 8:30/ Basketball after school

Friday: Stations of the Cross 8:30 / Spanish in Afternoon / Bring Instruments upper grades


The sale closes tomorrow so if you have people who have been saying they are going to buy, now is the time. We will take orders up to 5:00 Wednesday. We are still a ways short of our goal of 1200 dozen, so if you can, make a few more calls to family, friends, neighbors and workmates. I will have the work schedule and some instructions for what to wear and bring for your shifts next week.


We have a few Lenten projects for the students and families for the 40 days of Lent. This is the season for alms giving, prayer, and fasting. We will be sending home the Rice Bowls tomorrow for Catholic Relief Services in poor nations across the world. Some families combine fasting and almsgiving by not going out to eat one day a week and putting the savings in the Rice Bowl.

The school will also be teaming up with the Knights of Columbus project of 40 cans for 40 days for Interfaith Good Samaritan. You will see a shopping cart in the entry to the school where you can drop off canned goods, other non-perishable items and personal care products. A complete list of items will be attached to the shopping cart.

We are encouraging more reading and family time during Lent. As an incentive for more reading, we will be sending home Reading Logs during Lent. We will attempt to “travel” to Australia via the other 4 continents during Lent. Details will be going home with your teacher about the contest to read your way from Laramie to Sydney.

Finally, there will be Stations of the Cross for grades 3-6 on Fridays at 8:30 during Lent. That will start this Friday at the church.


It is time for all good things to come to an end, so that being said I am letting you know that I will be retiring from St. Laurence School at the end of June. I have been teaching or principal at the school since 1981. That is 34 years with a total of 42 years teaching.


The UW Science Posse has been teaching science to the 3rd and 4th graders. They are learning all about trees. Thanks to Mrs. Still for arranging for these awesome lessons. The second graders are preparing to make their very first Reconciliation this Saturday. They will meet at St. Laurence Church this Saturday. There will be a luncheon back in the school gym once they are done. The 6th graders visited Laramie Junior High last week to learn about the classes that are offered there. Sign up sheets are due back this Friday. Dr. Seuss’s birthday is March 2nd which is also Read Across America Day. Some the classes are planning special reading events around that day. 1st and 2nd graders have invited guests from the community to come in and read to and with the students.


The school will be singing at the 5:30 Liturgy at St. Laurence Church this Sunday. Come sit up front on the west side of the church.


There will be basketball practice Tuesdays and Thursday from 3:10 till 5:00 through March. Just a reminder that there is no practice next Thursday because of Meat Cooking. We will be scheduling home and away games with Harmony School for March.


February 18

Last day for Enchilada Orders / ASH WEDNESDAY Mass 8:30

February 25-28

Enchilada Makin’ and Distribution

March 1

End of the trimester

March 4

2nd Trimester grade reports will be sent home

March 16-20

Spring/Winter Break No School

March 23-April 3

PAWS Testing grades 3-6

Grade 1-2 News 2-16-15

clip_image002clip_image004Happy President’s Day! Happy First Reconciliation!

Grade One/Two February 16-20, 2015

I hope you had a wonderful extra day with your cherubs. We are working hard at school to provide an excellent, faith-based education for your child. Yes, changes will come with the retirement of our beloved Mr. Wilhelm, but I firmly believe that St. Laurence is Christ’s school and he will guide and love us through the transition.

In reading/language, we will read another story about being lost. We’ll think again about adjectives and how they make writing ever so much more interesting. Our sounds are short o as in lost and ai as in wait. I apologize for last week’s spelling words with the aw and ay sounds. It never occurred to me that the cherubs would mix those up, but it did indeed happen. You’d think I’d know!

We continue to progress in math as we learn about money. We are counting pennies, dimes, nickels and quarters. You can help by counting with your child each night the change in your pocket or purse, or even just a part of that amount. Firsts will also work more on fact families and seconds move into manipulating 3 digit numbers.

Our big event, First Reconciliation for the second graders, is Saturday! Wow, have we worked hard and grown as we have prepared for this sacrament of God’s loving forgiveness! And of course, Lent begins this week with Ash Wednesday, so we will talk lots about Lent. I would like to focus not so much on giving up, as sharing our love and growing in relationship to God. What can we do to make the world a better place? Yes, that involves sacrifice and thinking less of ourselves and more about others.

My hope is to complete writing our informational books this week and bind them next week. Not sure that’s really going to happen, but it’s a hope!

Science focuses on healthy eating. Last week we considered a nutritious breakfast, this week it’s lunch!

Spelling words

lost cost wait bait main rain pain

gain Additional for second’s: frost train

Tuesday: spelling sort

Wednesday: please discuss what your family will do to observe and grow in Lent

Thursday: spelling

Monday, February 9, 2015

Grade 1-2 News 2-9-15

clip_image002God is Love, and all who live in love abide in God

and God in them.

1 John 4:16

Happy Valentine’s Day week! We will celebrate the love of St. Valentine on Friday with a class party/Valentine exchange. Friday afternoon is quite busy for us, so our party will be from 2:20-2:40 PM. You are most welcome to bring treats. I must remind you that our Fresh Fruits and Vegetables grant encourages us to eat healthy when we can and please, please, nothing with nuts! Thanks.

We are differentiating more and more in reading and math. In reading/language this week we will read stories about being lost or losing a toy. We will focus on the characters in the story. Sounds are aw is in straw, ay as in play, the cl and dr blends, and for seconds only, wr as in wrist. Whew!

In math we have moved into leanring about money and place value, along with the ever-important addition and subtraction skills.

In social studies, we continue work on our informational books about a place. This is a ton of work and progress is slow. My hope is to have them completed by March 2, Read Across America Day. February is short and this is a big goal!

I hope you are talking and praying with your child about First Reconciliation! We continue to practice in class as well as reading Bible stories about God’s loving forgiveness. This week we focus on Zacchaeus.

Have a wonderful week and know that you are prayed for; God is love and you are His loved and treasured ones.

Spelling words

saw paw claw draw play say may

way 2nd grade additional words: straw awful away

wrong wrap wrist


Monday: spelling sort as usual

Tuesday: math, money

Wednesday: pray the Act of Contrition with your child and talk to him/her about God’s never-ending love.

Thursday: spelling

School News 2-9-15


Tuesday: Basketball After School / All City Strings Concert

Wednesday: Art Classes with Mrs. Howdeshell

Thursday: MASS with Fr. Rob / Basketball after school

Friday: Spanish in Afternoon / Bring Instruments upper grades


Keep pushing those orders at work and with your family. We have a goal of selling 1200 dozen enchiladas. If you have list e-mail at work, you can let everyone know you need the orders by Friday. I am putting an announcement in both bulletins for church, but you can also pass out your forms after the Masses, so you can get the credit. Remember to turn in your orders as you receive them. Don’t stockpile them. There are only 1.5 week of selling left. so sell, sell, sell. Also, please return your work schedule. Some times are filling up fast, and Wednesday and Saturday are completely filled. You need to work 4 hours for every child enrolled and to sell 10 dozen enchiladas. The big need is for people to work during the days Thursday and Friday. If you can possibly switch from the evenings to days, it would be greatly appreciated. We are currently experiencing difficulties with our credit card machine, so if is’t possible to collect cash or check, we would appreciate it.


It is time for all good things to come to an end, so that being said I am letting you know that I will be retiring from St. Laurence School at the end of June. I have been teaching or principal at the school since 1981. That is 34 years with a total of 42 years teaching. This was a difficult decision as I am deeply tied to the school and to the students. That being said, I think it is time for me to let go and leave this position up to someone who is younger and with new ideas. You won’t get rid of me, as I will continue to help out with the fundraisers. Thanks to everyone who has made my job such a pleasure over the years.


There will be Valentine’s Day parties in the classrooms on Friday afternoon. Please bring cards for everyone in your class. The teachers will be sending home a list of names so that the cards may be addressed properly and that all are included. This is the last bash before Lent so we are putting a Mardi Gras spin on the parties with masks and lots of beads.


Thanks to all our great acts for the Talent Show on Friday. We had participants from every age. Thanks parents for getting those children ready.


Have you made your February tuition payment?

Mr. Jims Night

This Wednesday, February 11 is St. Laurence night at MR. Jims Pizza. 10% of all purchases go back to the school. Just turn in your form to the delivery driver or at the store.


There will be basketball practice Tuesdays and Thursday from 3:10 till 5:00 through March. We will be scheduling home and away games with Harmony School for March.


February 10

7th Grade Registration for St. Laurence 6th Graders 10:15 at LJHS

February 11

Mr. Jims Pizza Night

February 16

No School for Students: This is a Teacher in-service day

February 18

Last day for Enchilada Orders / ASH WEDNESDAY Mass 8:30

February 25-28

Enchilada Makin’

March 16-20

Spring/Winter Break No School

Monday, February 2, 2015

School News 2-2-15


Tuesday: Basketball After School

Wednesday: Art Classes with Mrs. Howdeshell

Thursday: No MASS / Basketball after school

Friday: Spanish in Afternoon / Bring Instruments upper grades


Keep pushing those orders at work and with your family. We have a goal of selling 1200 dozen enchiladas. If you have list e-mail at work, you can let everyone know you are selling. I am putting an announcement in both bulletins for church, but you can also pass out your forms after the Masses, so you can get the credit. Remember to turn in your orders as you receive them. Don’t stockpile them. There are only 2.5 week of selling left. so sell, sell, sell. Also, please return your work schedule. Some times are filling up fast, and Saturday is completely filled. You need to work 4 hours for every child enrolled and sell 10 dozen enchiladas. The big need is for people to work during the days Thursday and Friday. If you can possibly switch from the evenings to days, it would be greatly appreciated.


If anyone wants to see photos from the trip, they could visit our Facebook page. We will be posting more from the trip throughout the week. You are also free to post photos on our school Facebook page.


Thanks to all the families who came to celebrate the end of Catholic Schools Week yesterday. We had some students who were ill, our numbers weren’t great, but the students who were there did a wonderful job. Great job Harmony, Mackenzie, MaKayla, Xavier, Winter, Anabel, Mindoe, and Rebecca.


Thanks to all our great acts for the Talent Show on Friday. We had participants from every age. Thanks parents for getting those children ready.


Just a friendly reminder for those paying tuition monthly, to get your February payment in this week.


There will be basketball practice Tuesdays and Thursday from 3:10 till 5:00 through March. We will be scheduling home and away games with Harmony School for March.

Catholic Schools Week

Thanks to all your great participation during Catholic Schools Week from the great singing at St. Laurence Church to kick things off to the performance by the Mrs. Lyford’s Choir yesterday at St. Pauls. In between those two events we have to thank the Home and School Association for the wonderful teacher luncheon on Monday, Muffins on Tuesday morning and Donuts on Wednesday and then closing Friday with the Ice Cream.


February 2

Candlemass 8:30

February 5

Home and School Meeting 3:10 in Art Room

February 10

7th Grade Registration for St. Laurence 6th Graders 10:15 at LJHS

February 16

No Students: This is a Teacher in-service day

February 18

Last day for Enchilada Orders / ASH WEDNESDAY Mass 8:30

February 25-28

Enchilada Makin’

March 16-20

Spring/Winter Break No School

Grade 1-2 News 2-2-15

clip_image002100 Days of School! February 2-6, 2015

Grade One/Two

We made it! Well, on Thursday we have made it to the 100th day of school! I had to explain last week to a few cherubs that the 100th day is not the last day of school. We will keep going and learning! There will be a wonderful celebration of this milestone on Thursday morning; we will have fun counting activities to mark the big day.

In reading/language this week we will read about celebrations, specifically, a ball, a birthday party, and a wedding. We will learn about the order of events in a story. The sounds are all, and silent k as in knit. Seconds also have the mb sound as in comb.

In math we will do a bit more on our geometry unit, and then leave it for a time while we work on money and time. We will not have our Mrs. O. for a few weeks in March, and it looks like the geometry unit is one we can do together, with differentiation, of course, as needed. Firsts will learn about fact families and seconds continue practicing 2 digit addition and subtraction skills.

We have begun a social studies unit on a place of each cherub’s choice. It could be a town, state, country, or continent. We are learning how to research information and use it in our writing. Eventually, each child will write a chapter book about the place of his/her choice. This is a great undertaking, for sure, but there is a plan on how to help it happen. J

In religion we will talk about forgiveness, of course. This week we read about Zacchaeus. Second grade parents, I hope reconciliation is a topic at your house. You may want to talk to your child about what this sacrament means to you and how it helps you grow in relationship to Jesus.

Spelling words

all ball fall mall tall call wall

hall knee knit 2nd grade: comb climb


Monday: spelling words neatly

Tuesday: none

Wednesday: religion. Ask your child to tell you the story of Zacchaeus and how Jesus forgave him. How did Jesus help Zacchaeus have a relationship with him?

Thursday: spelling